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歐洲研究所 | Graduate Institute of European Studies (GIES)
JMM Y2 _ Welcome to the 11 students enrolled in the module!
Video interviews on JMM made by students
Visit to the National Science and Technology Museum
JMM Y1 Welcome to the 16 students enrolled in the module
The module | 莫內計畫
What is a Jean Monnet Module ? | 計畫簡介
Module presentation and objectives | 課程簡介與目的
Syllabus | 教學大綱
Who we are? | 莫內計畫團隊
Academic Staff | 師資人員
Enrolled Students | 學生
Assistant | 助理
Research and Publications | 研究與成果
Album | 相簿
Links | 鏈結
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JMM Year 3 _ Welcome to the 17 new students 2021 2023
發佈日期 2021-09-15 13:55
Display of the JMM Exhibition (Y1 ) during the EU Camp
發佈日期 2020-12-04 11:20
JMM Y2 _ Welcome to the 11 students enrolled in the module!
發佈日期 2020-09-14 16:05
Video interviews on JMM made by students
發佈日期 2020-01-06 18:27
Students present and discuss their JMM exhibition parts
發佈日期 2019-12-02 17:19
Students work by group on their exhibition part
發佈日期 2019-11-25 17:28
Visit to the National Science and Technology Museum
發佈日期 2019-11-22 16:50
Interactive lectures and activities on EU & environmental health
發佈日期 2019-10-07 16:38
JMM Y1 Welcome to the 16 students enrolled in the module
發佈日期 2019-09-08 19:13
【NEWS】恭賀文藻外語大學歐洲研究所羅文笙副教授、華明儀副教授榮獲 2019 年度歐盟莫內計畫
發佈日期 2019-09-02 16:03
EU Erasmus + Jean-Monnet Module : 1st Time at Wenzao University!
發佈日期 2019-09-01 18:20