  • 字級大小



A Jean Monnet Module is a short teaching programme (or course) in the field of European Union studies at a higher education institution. Each Module has a minimum duration of 40 teaching hours per academic year and must focus on one particular discipline in European studies or be multidisciplinary requiring the academic input of several professors and experts.


The aim of the modules is to promote research and teaching experience among young researchers, scholars and practitioners in EU issues, foster the publication and dissemination of academic research, create interest in the EU, foster the introduction of an EU angle mainly into non EU related studies and deliver tailor-made courses on specific EU issues relevant for graduates in their professional life.



莫內計畫模組課程(Jean Monnet Module)是為全球具有歐盟研究科系的高等教育機構所創立的短期教學方案(或課程)。由多位教授和專家共同執行模組課程,在計畫期間,每學年至少需授課40小時,課程須著重於歐洲研究領域中的特定科目,或是涵蓋多種學科。


莫內計畫模組課程目的在於 (1) 提升青年研究員、學者和計畫參與人員於歐盟領域議題上的研究及教學經驗、(2) 促進歐盟學術研究的出版和傳播、(3)激發歐盟領域研究熱忱、(4) 促使歐盟理念融入非歐盟相關研究、(5) 為研究生設計歐盟研究領域課程。


Website of Jean Monnet Programme: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/actions/jean-monnet/jean-monnet-modules_en